So, continuing my account of my BBCM 2013 weekend here in Montreal, I went 2 hot leather events: the Bal en Cuir, and RENEGADE held at Apollon, organized by local Montréal leather boutique, Fetiche Armada. I love how a local business in the gay village organized the second event Renegade, great community involvement there.
Rather than some leather community org, some of them with an old boys club leather brotherhood sort of vibe to them ... a fashion boutique hosted this event, with more a focus on LEATHER as FASHION, as opposed to sex with leather, whips, BDSM, pig, domination. It is very possible to be into the leather scene for the exhibitionism and imagism part of it - and equally be totally uninterested and even turned off by having sex while wearing leather, and all that role play stuff.
For the first event, I wore my typical leather vest, I hadn't been to one of these events in a while, and I wanted to stay a little covered up. Truthfully, leather vests these days aren't really the thing, when there are so many other revealing and more visually shocking apparel to don. Leather gear today has indeed reached high profile commercial sellability. They are the equivalent of the GAY MAN'S VICTORIA SECRET.
But nonetheless, who says a traditional leather vest that fits snug can't still be just as hot!
One mistake I made though when I purchased my vest originally, was that a leather vest is not meant to be able to actually close and zip up. It's meant to be tight and expose that chest of yours! Please don't buy a bullet proof vest and spend your $ for nothing ... better off going to the army surplus store for that. It should ideally fit you in the way it is designed and cut, but also allow you to move around freely, make you stand with confidence, and most of all, not restrict you from moving around on the dance floor! Some leather vests feel constricting as soon as you put them on, and they're heavy as winter jackets.

This hunky bearded daddy LOOKS GREAT in this vest that fits him to a perfect T. It also cuts right before the waist, so we can see his belt too. And of course, wearing leather vest is always paired with jeans. It is the traditional manly, biker look.

Here, this hot biker hear has barely any vest on actually, it is ALL CHEST, leaving all the needed attention to be placed where it should be, on his sexy CHEST and CHEST TATTOOS! On the other hand, the vest that I wore to the Bal en Blanc at Club Soda just really didn't do my body the exact justice that these hotties had rocking their vests.
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