Douchebags are HOT!
The definition of a loser has morphed over time. This day and age, you’re really a loser when your photo is shamefully posted on one those hate websites, headlined by ‘DOUCHEBAG’, with a string of hater comments ridiculing the outfit you wore to the club, whether you dared to flex a bicep or let the world know you got tribal tats ... and of course, the gratuitous exposition of your six pack and awesome pecs (that we didn’t expect on that body type or size, wow!). For these days, pulling shirt up to reveal chest, makes you an automatic douche!
The definition of a loser has morphed over time. This day and age, you’re really a loser when your photo is shamefully posted on one those hate websites, headlined by ‘DOUCHEBAG’, with a string of hater comments ridiculing the outfit you wore to the club, whether you dared to flex a bicep or let the world know you got tribal tats ... and of course, the gratuitous exposition of your six pack and awesome pecs (that we didn’t expect on that body type or size, wow!). For these days, pulling shirt up to reveal chest, makes you an automatic douche!

But really? Once a term for flashy hetero men who try too hard or who fail at trying to try too hard, now ... also a term for females (yes, douchey baguettes!), and now finally ... for gay men too!

But, does the concept of the GAY douchebag REALLY exist in our community? For the gays, hasn’t it always been about opportunity ... who am I am sleeping with next? If we cast off other guys so easily as scummy steroids muscle body obsessive druggie douches ... aren’t we just eliminating right off the bat a whole bunch of potential hot hookups? Social competition and haterism is definitely a construct that straights preoccupy more with. Any dude having a douchey online profile is actually kind of hot in my opinion – yeah here’s his douchey but hot pic, he was a good fuck too!

Point: Douchebaggery does not apply to the gay world. Leave that for the straights. If straight men are so easily deemed douches, then all gay men are therefore too, just based on the way we party and the overtopness we project.

But, does the concept of the GAY douchebag REALLY exist in our community? For the gays, hasn’t it always been about opportunity ... who am I am sleeping with next? If we cast off other guys so easily as scummy steroids muscle body obsessive druggie douches ... aren’t we just eliminating right off the bat a whole bunch of potential hot hookups? Social competition and haterism is definitely a construct that straights preoccupy more with. Any dude having a douchey online profile is actually kind of hot in my opinion – yeah here’s his douchey but hot pic, he was a good fuck too!

Point: Douchebaggery does not apply to the gay world. Leave that for the straights. If straight men are so easily deemed douches, then all gay men are therefore too, just based on the way we party and the overtopness we project.

But we’ve never had a problem with it really. Overt male cockiness and unprecedented egoistic me-ism (one of the many traits of being a douche, aside from certain stereotypical attire, hand gestures, or facial expressions), is actually pure unfiltered HOTNESS to the gays. But now the thing is ... gay photos are being appropriated and placed on straight hater websites with douche captioning. Hey, aren’t these REAL gay men at REAL gay parties, not straight hetero men acting douchey in a gay sort of way? We’re not all douches just by a photograph or for posing in a party pic.

And what about real gay porn stars mistaken as douches? There’s no douchery therein, cause isn’t that what they do for a living? There’s a certain element of self-promotion in being a douche. Isn’t that expected as a model, actor, pornstar?

And what’s wrong with a little self-obsession? Très NORMAL in the gay world. Self-obsessed muscle hotties don’t give me a douchey feeling, they can put their douche where I want it! But while we’re jacking off to muscle narcissist’s pics online, others are undoubtedly hatin’ and reposting their photos under negative light, condemning their goddam right to flex their muscles and pose for the camera, reveal defined chests and bicpes they’re PROUD to have worked so hard for, show us various stages of their muscle development in glorifying photos each showcasing different angles of their body, and at the end of the day ... how they look GOOD with their wife beaters and accessory chicks when they hit the club.

So I say just jack off and don’t hate. Yes, he looks a little douchey with whatever he is doing with the hockey cup, but wow ... mmm ... nice body ... douches do your shirtless beer games all you want!

Yes, surrounded by girls automatically risks being douche. But it’s not the number of chicks, it’s the number of abs I count!

Hanging out with douche buddies also multiples your douche factor, but more chance that at least ONE will remove his shirt.

Thank god the world is full of hot douches of all kinds ...

And what about real gay porn stars mistaken as douches? There’s no douchery therein, cause isn’t that what they do for a living? There’s a certain element of self-promotion in being a douche. Isn’t that expected as a model, actor, pornstar?

And what’s wrong with a little self-obsession? Très NORMAL in the gay world. Self-obsessed muscle hotties don’t give me a douchey feeling, they can put their douche where I want it! But while we’re jacking off to muscle narcissist’s pics online, others are undoubtedly hatin’ and reposting their photos under negative light, condemning their goddam right to flex their muscles and pose for the camera, reveal defined chests and bicpes they’re PROUD to have worked so hard for, show us various stages of their muscle development in glorifying photos each showcasing different angles of their body, and at the end of the day ... how they look GOOD with their wife beaters and accessory chicks when they hit the club.

So I say just jack off and don’t hate. Yes, he looks a little douchey with whatever he is doing with the hockey cup, but wow ... mmm ... nice body ... douches do your shirtless beer games all you want!

Yes, surrounded by girls automatically risks being douche. But it’s not the number of chicks, it’s the number of abs I count!

Hanging out with douche buddies also multiples your douche factor, but more chance that at least ONE will remove his shirt.

Thank god the world is full of hot douches of all kinds ...

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