Not really knowing if any of these guys are ACTUALLY real pornstars, their hot pics suggest a very HIGH POTENTIAL they have a good chance at being successful in the porn industry (just based on good looks, hot body, and the suggestive snapshots of themselves they obviously WILLINGLY took). It could be a casual, spur of the moment quickie nudie pic post they put up online ... just to see how many hits their hot pic would get and the types of sexy comments they would receive. But ... WHAT IF ... somebody actually contacted them, and asked ... have you ever considered porn? You'd be great.
What makes them perfect for the job? OUR PORNSTAR CRITERIA:
-Hot Bod and Dick Made for Fucking (a given)
-Look Good on Camera: Being Blown, Doin' It, Receivin' It, etc. Both for action scenes, and same for photo stills.
-Stamina (Can Fuck For Long, duh)
-Desirable Sex Partner for the other Guys or Gals in the Video
-Can work as a Team, but also Hold Their Own.
-Knack for Awesome Sexy Facial Expressions:
(Moaning, Love-Making, Eyes Roll-Back into Skull, Moment of Ejac, States of Prolonged Ecstasy, Out of Control, Sport Fucking, Fear, Pain is Pleasure, Mouth Agape Shock of Your Dick Entering a Mouth, Gasp of Excitement as Butt Descends upon Hard Cock, Pleading and Begging, Giving Orders, Various Animalistic and Uncontrollable Grunts and Groans ... when the scene gets too HOT and you have to pull out before cumming, 'cause there's more scenes to shoot, and the fact that your ultimately paid for the final money shot, huge wads of YOUR cum on a face, over a vagina or an ass, or squeezed out of one .... NOT for a pathetic preliminary ejaculation ...)
... amongst many, many more!

The first two guys posing in the fitness club changerooms, at first as you peek at their bods from a distance, watching them do their shit, getting ready for or coming back a work out, you're wowed by their amazing muscle competition bodies. Nice work!
They're minding their own business, doing their macho guy gym routine. Then you begin to see how they move their bodies, and the twists and turns of their chiseled physiques. They lift both huge arms up to plug in headphones to listen to music on their IPhones, and from the back, you see buzz cuts on hot muscular necks shaven down to stubble, but otherwise ripe with Greek or Italian hairy-ness, glazed with body sweat from glands that JUST produce raw sex.
They raise a muscular arm ... and you picture how good it would look squeezing or grabing a female breast! You begin to imagine him FUCKING: and SUDDENLY ... a girl is sprawled out over the lockeroom bench, ass up and ready. He drops that towel, and just like that, lowers and sticks himself in, banging like a pro from the first thrust he makes.
The cameraman is right there zooming in for a close-up of his face as he fucks away - and as if the camera isn't even there (!!!) ... lens tracing slowly down his muscular torso to focus on that dick jutting in and out, in very timed, methodic, sequential and mechanical pumps.
You hear the slapping noise of flesh hitting flesh like a metronome, and him looking down at pussy, like a professional (pornstar), checking his stuff, how hard it is, how it looks in her ... and making sure he's delivering what he needs to for the scene (either caring he's giving her pleasure, or just focusing on his OWN performance, and the stamina and endurance of the hard-on he's paid to have).
... but, it's really the first guy standing beside other gym bud (2nd photo) that really strikes me with that UNEXPECTED PORNSTAR FACTOR!!!
He's your geeky smart cutie college student turned PORNSTAR! He's worked hard at the gym to get broad shoulders, a packed thick chest, and tight stomach - he knew this was his ticket to put all those geeky days past him. Girls love him now! With his brand new bod and new found confidence, he fucks married women all around town. If your wife cheated on you, she's likely to come home sometimes with this college stud's semen still inside her.
He'll be great for teen porn too, and it won't be an older on younger situation either! He's one of the geeky jocks on a co-ed floor, young and a hot bod for his age - perfect for flirty student sluts wanting to get their college freak on. They pass by his room, where sometimes he studies shirtless: nothin' on but sweatpants, his glasses - a pen in his mouth.
But a group of girls get together to play a mean joke on him ... one of them, somebody who went to the same highschool (who had a crush on him, but whom he never paid attention to). They each lure him one by one into their door rooms for study break relief fucking. With his new muscle bod confidence, he doesn't play it smooth, and does not resist fucking each one, despite knowing their all besties and are likely bound to find out amongst each other that he fucking fucked them all!!!
This includes his unassumed, unknown, highschool one-sided crush. She was the last to be fucked by him - but he thought heck I'm on a roll, why not bag the last of the trio.
Little did he know, all three girls are sex studies undergrads doing a social experiment documentary, reserching the fallilibity of the male penis. They put up a mean website to report campus douchebags, and there ... there's black and white, hidden web cam photos of you fucking three different girls in their dorm rooms, the girls' heads blocked out by black coloured-in circles, and your face in each pic only partially showing, because it's only your eyes that are labelled over with 'DOUCHE'.
... Ladies, listen up, our study has proven that a man's brain IS his penis, it is a non-thinking muscle with a one-directional neurological connection - SEX. After the neurons are fired, a female target is found and fucked. A new neuron is fired, another female is sought and fucked. This campus douchebag has no problem fucking three girls living in the same dorm, and without protection. The women in these photos will remain anonymous, and only the douchebag knows who he is.
However, he sees his tats are clearly visible in the website pics and could be a giveaway. Now he goes to the gym and makes sure he never takes off his shirt.
There's room for website comments too, n' some guy posts: THESE CHICKS WERE MEAN, BUT RIGHT ON FOR THE BRO! A girl writes: These bitches set this up. Or this has got to be fake. The guy looks like a pornstar! This is porn. This is not real.
He storms to one of the girls' rooms. The other girls happen to be there. He explodes: WHAT THE FUCK!
The night ends in a dormroom threesome. The girls take turns, he gets close, and at the last moment, it's his one-sided highschool crush that rides him to completion. They end up removing their scandalous webpost and there is no more evidence of this whole ordeal no more.
Throughout the school year, he takes turns fucking and satisfying each one of them, always making sure there's no hidden webcam somewhere, but UNABLE to stop - afraid of what all three of them could do to him again. Sometimes he fucks one when the other two are at class ... sometimes 2 or all 3 at once. All on birth control - he deposits countless amounts of semen in all three over the course of the semester.
It turns out these three girls are Thelma and Louis + 1, and they remain in triangular cult sisterhood the rest of their lives. It is Sex and the City with one common BF for all three. Life goes on in adulthood, and he is still summoned back time to time, away from his wife, to cum fuck any one of the three sisters when the time is convenient and so happens to arise. None of them ever get impregnated despite the infinite number of sperm deposits. The sisterhood is wise, intelligent, and protected.
... And then the sisters conclude their study after a decade. They conclude on a false preliminary conclusion: the one directional brain-dick follows only one direction, but is faithful in that single, unique, non-thinking, non-intelligent direction. It's the programmed nature to produce cum, that secures, as a by-product, generations of female satisfaction, even if the biological need is to REPRODUCE those generations. Contraception or not, the dick's purpose is to cum. The female obligation is then to wisely harness the one-directional power of the penis for advantageous decades of pleasure ... and to leave by the wayside, the notion that a penis that injects baby-giving sperm is a path to female providence.
Cuz fuck, he cheated all the years to fuck us. The devotion of horny guys, undeniable. The only muscle of the male body that does not respond to reasoning or neurological direction - the penis. A dumb but powerful tool that can be harnessed for wicked objectives.
PAUSE ... I came ...
And finally, I put a red outline around the HUNG BLACK MUSCLE STALLION (my favourite!!!), he's a given. What a buff build and elephant schlong there. It's his bulky chest the girls love, perfect for doggy-style scenes, him pounding it hard from behind, the girl in pain from having an elephant inside of her ... but for the sake of the scene, all you see is his massive chest: pecs and abs tightening and untightening every millisecond, his whole faced all clenched like he's in pain too as he hammers.
Muscle chocolate will look good in the photo stills too. Standing all proud beside petite little Asian girl, her tiny hand delicately placed over his muscle pecs ... and all smiley (!!!) - look who I get to fuck!) ... his arms cradling her petite figure. Oh boy, should I be charged with doing campus PORN recruitment, I would be knocking this chocolate hottie's door down, pay for his schooling, as long as you cum with me to do porn! Part time or whatever, we need hot bodies that can fuck ... YOU essentially!
In the photo still with petite pretty asian chick, he's sporting a goofy amateur pornstar grin on his face, and his semi-hard dong just hanging like a sock filled with marbles. He is truly my favourite wanna be pornstar. Having only just one of his photos does not suffice, I need to see him walking a pussy red carpet, promoting his latest action dick flick: REVOLVER ... REVOLVE AROUND MY DICK BITCHES! Gots sum cum gun shot scenes ... I fire, somebody swallows/dies.
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