Apparently, bearded, primitive, caveman neanderthals were benchpressing and looking hot way b4 we knew what hot was.
Did they have to worker harder to survive? Did THAT produce mega hot bodies built due to the sheer might of human survival and the challenges faced as an emerging species? Did that make their bodies hotter than ever to attract all females within their species group to take one primitive glance, and wish instantly to be pregnant bearers of his children because only the strongest male genetics survive? The largest sperm producing dicks on future men and the largest hot bodies that can impregnate and ensure countless generations of offspring on female counterparts, producing male children also with big sperm shooting dicks like daddy had?
Really ... what were our past male caven ancestors like sexually? Were they necessitated to use the brute force of their primitive yet STRONG bodies to survive harsh landscapes, just as naturally as animals do, and fuck like as the animals do? Did they fuck like rabbits and screw and scavage like squirrels?
Hunting, gathering, protecting females from predators, and dumping batches of baby producing sperm into swollen and ripe vaginas. Without gym equipment, how did their bodies evolve? Well ... I guess ... like this ...
I'd like to go back to a time where I could fuck the most primitive version of the man.
The hunter, the warrior, the nomad, the wanderer and provider against all odds of the harsh reality of nature and survival ... would he inseminate my fertile yet non-baby-delivering ass with his primitive off-spring producing man-cream that would fuel the generations of his species for centuries after his initial survival?
Would he still slide into my slippery man ass knowing no babies would cometh out of my womb even if he dumps into me the loads and loads of his future generations???
Would he protect his mates and his offspring after unloading his male future and history into me? Or would he implant me with the legacy of his species and move on to conquer new territories and exploits, forgetting his previous conquests and leaving my ass sticky with his primitive yet potent insemination just because ...
Yes!!! To produce his generation-delivering substance, he would have practiced on my ass first, and I would have assisted his evolutionary process before he could have generate the finest possible sperm count to instill the next generation with the evolutionary processes to generate the next fine line-up of male fuckers to continue his race and produce the big-dicked offspring needed to ensure the survival of his genes ...

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